This term is used for naming people with Chilean nationality but who are descendants from African slaves. Slaves were brought to Chile in the colonial times. Because of crossbreeding, their descendants began to lose their noticeable physical and cultural characteristics and stopped being a marked group into the Chilean society of that time. Afro-Chilean began to be noticed again as a distinguishable group after the pacific war, where Chile took part of a Peruvian territory, Arica.

    In Chile, Slaves were in the central zone mainly in the ports of Coquimbo and Valparaiso. Nowadays, Arica has the biggest population of Chilean African descendants. They used to live in Azapa and Lluta valley, but most of the last generations now live in the city of Arica. Arican African descendants lived off of the olive harvest, cotton harvest and sugar cane. Around 2002, the young generation began to recreate the traditional dances and the culture, important celebrations, and food, etc. Here was discovered the Afro-Arican dance “El Tumbe”. Oro Negro was the first Chilean foundation and comparsa that helped to make popular the Afro descendants’ culture.
    I participate in a dance company and a comparsa. I dance Tumbe, Afro Peruvian and Chilean folk. Something that many people don’t know is that traditional Chilean dances, such as Cueca, have their origin in the African culture. I’m not sure if I’m an Afro Descendant, but I’d love to be.

For more information about it:
Afro Chilean
Afro Chileno